Categoria: Autor: 4BIM - ING - 3ª Série EM - Aula 34 Interview Tips - 26/11/2021 Habilidades: =>

Categoria: Autor: 4BIM - ING - 3ª Série EM - Aula 34 Interview Tips - 26/11/2021 Habilidades: => Ler, compreender, analisar e interpretar: currículo, boletins informativos, piadas, adivinhas e diálogos, inferindo seus traços característicos, bem como suas finalidades e usos sociais. => Identificar as situações de uso de diferentes tempos verbais. => (EF06LI21) Reconhecer o uso do imperativo em enunciados de atividades, comandos e instruções. 26/11/2021 - 3ª Série EM Inglês - Interview Tips 01. Watch the vídeo we used in class today again: 3ª Série - How to prepare for a job interview. Which affirmation below is NOT TRUE about it? A. You have to memorize your answers to the questions. B. It’s a good idea to keep the small talk brief. C. “I was responsible for…” is better than “I was given responsibility for…”

1 Resposta

  • Flavio

    Within a job interview, the most appropriate thing to do is to keep a conversation that is not brief, in addition to not memorizing and learning from the answers and listing your responsibilities. Therefore, alternative B is correct.

    A job interview cannot be completely mechanical, as if everything has been rehearsed. The interviewee should be calm and aware of their responses, letting the conversation flow naturally.

    It is through the selection process that the best skills and characteristics for a given position are "filtered", the candidate who best fits the requirements generates greater prominence, generating greater probability of success.

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