Churrasco: a typical food in the south of Brazil I012 Brazilian food is varied and interesting. As it happens

with every country, the cuisine of Brazil is strongly related to the history and culture of the country and varies from one region to another, sometimes in such a way that visitors might feel like they are in different countries. One of the most common foods in the southern region of Brazil is churrasco. A recipe of this popular food follows below. Recipe of churrasco gaucho Ingredients: • fine quality cuts of beef, lamb, veal, ribs, etc. • salt • mashed cloves of garlic • water Preparation: Set the fire and be sure the coals are bright be- fore putting on the meat. Assemble meat cuts on metallic skewers and set on the grill. Turn skewers frequently. When the meat begins to brown, make a salty liquid dissolving the salt in the water with the garlic and baste the meat with it. Hints: • Cuts with more fat are the best for charcoal grilling • It takes about 1 hour above the fire Serving: Cut slices from outside and serve. Keep meat warm on the grill while not serving. Always baste the meat waiting on the grill with the salty liquid to keep it juicy and fresh. 1. Consider the following situation: Peter, who is visiting the south of Brazil, prepared a churrasco gaucho as described in the text. Did he have to do to follow the recipe in the text?


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