Combine these sentence by using who, whom, which, and whose (Defining and non- defining relative cause) 1.

Lost the pen. I borrow it from my friend
2. The waitress was friendly. She served them dinner
3. I enjoyed the film, we watched last night.
4. Where can catch the taxi. It goes to Pahoman
5. The old man thanked us. we helped him
6. I have a friend. Her husband is a doctor
7. This is a coupe. Their daughter got a car accident
8. That is Mr. Dan. I am talking his subject
9. My friends can speak English well. They tool course in teknokrat
10. People can come. I asked them to my party
11. The women was feeding the pigeons. I saw her in the park
12. I want to talk to the woman. She is sitting next to you
13. The man has two car. He lives near here
14. She enjoyed the music. She listened to it after dinner
15. The woman shouted “Stop, Thief. ”Her purse was stolen


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