Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes corretos leia a tradução para Deus dar atenção para trocar

o pronome sujeito com pronome de objet

1 Resposta

  • Isabelly

    1- Four days before-

    quatro dias antes

    2-Last Night-

    última noite

    3- a minute ago-

    um minuto atrás

    4- six days later-

    seis dias depois

    5- the following years-

    nos anos seguintes

    6- four years ago-

    quatro anos atrás

    7- last week-

    última semana

    8- five months earlier-

    cinco meses antes

    2- Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes corretos. Leia a tradução para te ajudar!

    Atenção para não trocar pronome de sujeito com pronome de objeto.

    A- ___He__ is an English teacher. (Ele é professor de inglês.)

    B- Jane was looking at __him__.(A Jane estava olhando para ele.)

    C- _She_ lives in an apartment. (Ela mora num apartamento.)

    D- _We_ have to study for the test tonight. (Nós temos que estudar para a prova hoje à noite.)

    E- __You_ guys need to do your homework. (Vocês precisam fazer sua tarefa.)

    F- __He_ like to have chicken for lunch. (Eles gostam de comer frango no almoço.)

    G- __She_ talked to ___him__ yesterday. (Ela conversou com ele ontem.)

    H- __I_ work downtown with_ him.. (Eu trabalho no centro com eles.)

    I- __He___ wants to work with __her_ (Ele quer trabalhar com ela.)

    J- __They_ didn’t say anything about ___us_. (Eles não disseram nada sobre nós.)

    K- __I__ had dinner with __them__. (Eu jantei com eles.)

    L- William will go to the party with __us__. (O William vai à festa conosco.)

    M- __I__ forgot to do ___the task___. (Eu me esqueci de fazê-la (a tarefa).)

    3- Complete as frases com a preposição de tempo correta (in – on).

    1- The course begins __on_ January 7th and finishes __in_ February.

    2- I went to bed at midnight and got up at 6:30 __in__ the morning.

    3- My mother was born ___in_ 1932.

    4- Are you free __in__ the winter?

    5- I am not at home ___in__ the afternoon, it is better if you call me later at night.

    6- I go on vacation __in__ the summer for a few days.

    7- The book is very short; you can read it __on__ two days.

    8- My father died __on__ the age of 52.

    9- I went to a great party ___on  New Year’s Eve.

    10- The Catholic Church has different celebrations at Easter:

    __on__ Good Friday, the death of Jesus Christ and __on_ Easter Sunday, His resurrection.

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