Complete as frases abaixo no passado contínuo a)when you phoned, i about you.(to think) b)the child while

Complete as frases abaixo no passado contínuo

a)when you phoned, i about you.(to think)
b)the child while her the dinner.(to play - to prepare)
c)she the forest and the walker - to match)
last night? (to work)
e)the new clothes yesterday.(to dress - negativa)
f)we a film about chinese culture in our last classe.(to watch - negativa)

1 Resposta

  • ClayverSantos

    a)When you phoned, I was thinking about you.(to think)

    b)The child was playing while her mother was preparing the dinner.(to play - to prepare)

    c)She was walking in the Forest and the wolf was watching.(to Walker - to match)

    d)Were you working hard last night?(to work)

    e)The girls New clothes yesterday.(to dress - negativa)  ?

    f)We were watching a film about Chinese culture in our last classe.(to watch - negativa) ?


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