Complete as frases com o verbo there to be no presente: (there is there are)1) beautiful girls at the club

Complete as frases com o verbo there to be no presente: (there is there are)
1) beautiful girls at the club last night?
2) two blue hats on this table two hours ago
3) an Italian boy in my class last year.
4) a party at school last Saturday?
5) five poople at the concert last week.
6) film at the cinema three wooks ago.
7) two famous artists at the hotel.
8) strange people at the bank this morning
9) nice pictures on that wall,
10) butter in the refrigerator?​

1 Resposta

  • lelerj

    ⇒⇒  There is / There are           -   present

    ⇒⇒  There was  / There were   -   past

    1)  Were there beautiful girls at the club last night?  (está no passado)

    2) There were two blue hats on this table two hours ago.(está no passado)

    3) There was an Italian boy in my class last year.  (está no passado)

    4)  Was there a party at school last Saturday?  (está no passado)

    5) There were five people at the concert last week.   (está no passado)

    6) There was a film at the cinema three weeks ago.  (está no passado)

    7) There are two famous artists at the hotel.

    8) There are strange people at the bank this morning .

    9) There are nice pictures on that wall.

    10) Is there  butter in the refrigerator?


    Essas frases abaixo estão no passado e, por isso, não se pode usar  'there is / there are' que somente são usadas no presente e significam 'Há - existe'

    1)  Were there beautiful girls at the club last night?  (está no passado)

       Havia belas meninas no clube ontem à noite?

    2) There were two blue hats on this table two hours ago.(está no passado)

       Havia dois chapéus azuis na mesa duas horas atrás.

    3) There was an Italian boy in my class last year.  (está no passado)

       Havia um menino italiano na minha classe no ano passado.

    4)  Was there a party at school last Saturday?  (está no passado)

        Houve uma festa na escola sabado passado?

    5) There were five people at the concert last week.   (está no passado)

       Havia cinco pessoas no concerto na semana passada.

    6) There was a film at the cinema three weeks ago.  (está no passado)

       Houve/havia um filme no cinema três semanas atrás.

    →→→→ Atenção: Em português, o verbo ‘’haver’’ não tem plural, conforme pode ser visto na tradução acima.

    No passado singular afirmativo  >>>>> there was  

    No passado singular interrogativo >>> Was there ... ?

    No passado plural afirmativo        >>>> There were

    No passado plural interrogativo   >>>>  Were there ... ?

    →→  There is / There are - verbo ‘’haver’’ - ‘’ter’

    Estrutura do there is / there are

    There is a / There are + substantivo/adjetivo + complemento

    There is                                 a woman                   talking to my brother.

    There are                              many cars                  in front of my house.

    →→  There is - singular

    There is a girl in the kitchen. - Há uma garota na cozinha.

    There is a pencil on the table. - Há um lápis em cima da mesa

    →→  There are - plural

    There are two girls in the kitchen. - Há duas garotas na cozinha

    There are many books on the table. - Há muitos livros em cima da mesa.

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    Complete as frases com o verbo there to be no presente: (there is there are)1) ??????? beautiful gir

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