Complete com o profissional ou a profissão a) when you site dos at a restaurant tablet a _ brings you the

Complete com o profissional ou a profissão
a) when you site dos at a restaurant tablet a _ brings you the menu .
b) the_ os the person that sells meat in general .
c) the profissional who makes bread is the_ .
d) a _cleans houses and offices .
e) walls até construicted by the _ .
f) a _ is a person whouse jovem is to supply, connect on repair walter pipes, baths, toliets, etc .
g) a person whouse sells flowers is a_ .
h) a_ sweeps the streect . é pra amanhã purfavor me ajudem é urgente

1 Resposta

  • tokioruiva

    A) Waitress
    D) Housekeeper
    f) Plumber 

    Acho que é isso.

    Tomara que eu tenha ajudado ;-D

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