Complete o texto com a forma correta do verbo to be no passado.albert born in germany, in march 1876. when

Complete o texto com a forma correta do verbo to be no passado.

albert born in germany, in march 1876. when to young, a
good student. he did not like to attend classes and take exams. his parents and concerned that too slow and unable to learn. later, he became a great scientist
his best-known work, the theory of published in 1905. unfortunately his
as used to create the atomic bomb.​

1 Resposta

  • Marquinhos

    Albert Einstein IS born in Germany, in March 1876. When he WAS to young, he WAS a

    good student. He did not like to attend classes and take exams. His parents and teachers WERE concerned that he WAS too slow and unable to learn. Later, he became a great scientist

    His best-known work, the theory of relativity WAS published in 1905. Unfortunately his

    theory IS  as used to create the atomic bomb.​


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