Complete o texto com os verbos, indicados entre parenteses, no simple past: grandma( to ninety years

Complete o texto com os verbos, indicados entre parenteses, no simple past:
grandma( to ninety years old when she ( to two million dollars on the lottery. our family was extremely worried about her heart and nobody(to to tell her the news. "think we can call in dr. jones to tell her the news", suggested my father.

the doctor(to in to see the old lady and gradually started the conversation about the money.
"tell me: what would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery - say two million dollars? '

"l would give half of it to you, naturally", answered grandma.
the doctor ( to down dead with shock.

alguém sabe? sou horrível em inglês

1 Resposta

  • castrofiori

    1) was
    2) won
    3) wanted
    4) went
    5) fell

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