Complete the dialogs above: A : So, tell me, is your friend Brazilian? B: No, she . A: is she ? B: She´s

Complete the dialogs above:
A : So, tell me, is your friend Brazilian?
B: No, she .
A: is she ?
B: She´s from Spain, she´s .
A: is she?
B: She´s eighteen, she can´t drive yet.

A: Hey Tina, what´s up?
B: , and you?
A: I´m ok. Tina this is my friend Catherine.
B: Glad to meet you, Catherine!
A: , but please, Caty.

A: Look at this picture! It´s Robbert Pattinson!
B: Yes, it is him, where is ?
A: He´s from London, he´s .
B: ?
A: He´s 24 years old.


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