Complete the sentences in The Simple Present Tense.a) Donald and Melina pizza every Friday night. ( to eat

Complete the sentences in The Simple Present Tense.

a) Donald and Melina pizza every Friday night. ( to eat )

b) Sarah often to the shopping center. (to go )

c) You usually beautiful poems. ( to write )

d) Mandy and I every week. ( not to talk )

e) Julia TV series every night. ( not to watch )

f) Josh basketball every time? ( to play )

g) you around the Jacarey Lake every day? ( to run )

h) I sometimes Nancy at the main square. ( to meet )

i) Nicolas never on the weekend. ( to study )

j) They always to my house on vacation. ( to come )

k) you on Saturdays? ( to work )

l) Louise a new purse every year. ( not to buy )


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