Complete the sentences using the Conditionals (1°, 2° and 3°). Follow the structures below: If + Simple

Complete the sentences using the Conditionals (1°, 2° and 3°). Follow the structures below:

If + Simple Present + Simple Future

a) If you (to be) free tonight, he (to invite) you to dinner.
b) If we (not / to study) to the Finals, we (not / to pass) the exams.
c) If she (to study), she (to be) approved.
d) If Bob (to come), his mother (to be) so happy.
e) If I (to work) a lot , I (to eran) a lot of money.

If + Past Simple + Condicional (would + simple present)
a) If my grandfather (to be) alive today, he (to be) 80 years old.
b) If I (to be) your love, I (to make) you incredible happy.
c) If he (to have) a lot money ,he (to travel) around the world.
d) If they (to be) rich ,they (to buy) a fancy farm.
e) If he (to be) in New York, he (to go) visit the Liberty Statue.

If + Past Perfect + Would + Past Perfect

a) If he (to listen) to his mother ,he (to get) that cold.
b) If they (to arrived) early ,they (to miss) the beginning of the game.
c) If I (to say) that, he (to be) so angry
d) If I (to have) time, I (to do) the homework.
e) If I (to save) money, I (to travel).


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