Complete the text Below and use demonstrative, possessive, adjective pronouns, personal pronouns Lydia

ia a Hairdresser
is Lydia. ___is nineteen. is tall and slim. has curly brown hair and blue eyes. lives with parents
Lydia is a hairdresser. loves ___jobs! always gets up at 7;30, and ___has a shower. After that, ___ has a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. usually gets the bus to work, but sometimes ___ mom gives a lift. cuts hair and styles. Ladies are always happy with hairdo. never complain! Lydia wants to buy ___ ___ salon and so ___ saves money

goes out on Saturday nights with ___ friends. ___ go into town.
___usually have a pizza and often ___ go to a bar afterwo]ardsLydia hasn't got a boyfriend at the moment.


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