Complete the text with the correct past forms of the verbs in parentheses: my dad was a vietnam vet and when

Complete the text with the correct past forms of the verbs in parentheses:
my dad was a vietnam vet and when i was little, he would (tell) me about
different things he did while there. it was never anything war-related; it would be more like “i
(see) a lot of monkeys like that in vietnam” or “it used
(rain) a lot in vietnam.” i thought that being in vietnam, then, was
something men (go) and did before they (be)
qualified to become fathers. of course, i learned otherwise.

1 Resposta

  • ClayverSantos

    1: told

    2: saw

    3: to rain

    4:  went

    5: was

    Espero que tenha ajudado

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