COMPLETE WITH REFLECTIVE PRONOUNS: a) I am an engineer. I work byEscolha uma: a. itself b. yourself c. himself

COMPLETE WITH REFLECTIVE PRONOUNS: a) I am an engineer. I work by
Escolha uma:

a. itself
b. yourself
c. himself
d. herself
e. myself

b) He is an engineer. He works by .

Escolha uma:
a. ourselves
b. yourself
c. herself
d. itself
e. himself

c) My boyfriend ate all the cake by .

Escolha uma:
a. yourselves
b. herself
c. himself
d. themselves
e. ourselves

d) My girlfriend ate all the ice cream by .

Escolha uma:
a. himself
b. yourselves
c. herself
d. yourself
e. ourselves​

1 Resposta

  • Paulricar

    ⇒⇒  Reflexive Pronouns

    a) I am an engineer. I work by  myself.

    a. itself

    b. yourself

    c. himself

    d. herself

    e. myself   √

    b) He is an engineer. He works by himself.

    a. ourselves

    b. yourself

    c. herself

    d. itself

    e. himself   √

    c) My boyfriend ate all the cake by himself.

    a. yourselves

    b. herself

    c. himself    √

    d. themselves

    e. ourselves

    d) My girlfriend ate all the ice cream by herself.

    a. himself

    b. yourselves

    c. herself    √

    d. yourself

    e. ourselves​


    →→  Reflexive pronouns - pronomes reflexivos >> são usados para indicar que a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito

    → para dar ênfase

    They themselves went to London.

    they themselves >> eles mesmos / próprios

    → para dizer que alguém fez algo sozinho. (precedido de 'by')

    Julie finished the work by herself.

    by herself >> sozinha

    → para indicar uma ação que afeta quem a praticou

    John hurt himself when he was mowing the grass.

    hurt himself >>> se machucou

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    COMPLETE WITH REFLECTIVE PRONOUNS: a) I am an engineer. I work byEscolha uma: a. itself b. yourself

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