Comprehension: 1- Modern Olympic Games were reintroduced in the 19th Century ( ) True ( ) False 2- The

Comprehension: 1- Modern Olympic Games were reintroduced in the 19th Century
( ) True ( ) False

2- The IOC was founded in the 20th century
( ) True ( ) False

3- The IOC has the right to choose the host city
( ) True ( ) False

4- The Games have always been organized without any problem
( ) True ( ) False

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Comprehension: 1- Modern Olympic Games were reintroduced in the 19th Century
( ) True ( ) False

1 Resposta

  • Paulricar

    1- Modern Olympic Games were reintroduced in the 19th Century

    (x) True ( ) False

    Explicação: Baron Pierre fundou o comitê olímpico em 1894 (Século 19) e iniciou os jogos olímpicos mordeno.  

    2- The IOC was founded in the 20th century

    ( ) True (x) False

    Explicação: International Olympic committee (IOC) surgiu em 1894, ou seja no século XIX e não no século 20

    3- The IOC has the right to choose the host city

    (X) True ( ) False

    Explicação: Sim eles são responsáveis por escolher a cidade que irá sediar o evento, você pode encontra isso nesse trecho: "The IOC is responsible for choosing the host city for each Olympic Games."

    4- The Games have always been organized without any problem

    ( ) True (x) False

    Explicação: A afirmação é falsa pois já houve/há problemas nos jogos, como nesse trecho podemos ver alguns dos exemplos do que já ocorreu: "boycotts, doping, bribery, and terrorism"

    Bons estudos :)

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