Cross Out The Odd Word. Then Add One More. 1. blue pink-park-black 2. apples - bananas-oranges - chairs 3.

Cross Out The Odd Word. Then Add One More. 1. blue pink-park-black
2. apples - bananas-oranges - chairs
3. postman doctor hospital - secretary
4. hungry tired happy friend
5. Friday - Sunday - March Wednesday
6. seven-first-eight. twenty
7. German Russia - England - Scotland
8. February - November Monday - July
9. tree fridge-table. bed
10. salad - carrot - tomato - cucumber
11. second third-nine twelfth
12. orange - cherry potato kiwi.
14.sister - niece - father - aunt
15. grandfather - aunt - nephew - brother -
16. windysunny clock - freezing tennis music - judo jump - read - write
19.myour-she your
20. skirt shirt shoe. smart dog. camel-horse
22. arm - knee- finger - know - underground - stop biscuits
25.bed - kitchen - bathroom - hall
26.cartoon - comedy - musical - office
27. long. short-old-door-
28. telephone computer - radio - lamp
29. week - fever - headache flu.
30. teddy bear - ball - doll backpack
31. breakfast, lunch - meal - dinner
32. biology. carpet. geography. maths


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