Dê continuidade às frases, utilizando o past perfect (had + past participle). Se necessário acrescente: when, because,just, already, by the time, bef

ore ou afler:

A-) He Was extremely tired.

B-) Mary decided to take a bus.

1 Resposta

  • CremildaBR

    ⇒⇒  Past Perfect

    a.  He was extremely tired because he had just arrived from India.

    b.  Mary decided to take a bus because she had spent all her money at the Mall.


    ⇒⇒  Past perfect   >>  tempo verbal usado quando se deseja falar sobre um momento que ocorreu no passado, antes de outro evento acontecer ou que tinha acabado de acontecer.

    Estrutura do past perfect

    Sujeito + had + verbo no particípio + complemento

    John had gone when Lizzy arrived.

    Ed had broken his left arm when he was cycling.

    Learn more


    Dê continuidade às frases, utilizando o past perfect (had + past participle). Se necessário acrescente: when, because,just, already, by the time, bef

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