Ei gente podem me ajudar com as respostas dessa atividade? ACTIVITIES Escreva his ou her 4. Complete as

frases usando o adjetivo Ita a) Jane has a car. Her car is blue O adjetivo possessivo Its vefere-se a uma coisa ou a uanimal. b) Paul has a bike. bike is red. ci Fred has a house. a) This is a giraffe. (neck - long) Its neck is long. house is new. d Meg has a ball. b) This a ball. (color - red) ball is yellow. e Lucy hes a book. book is interesting. c This is a pig. (legs - short) Preencha os espaços com his ou her: a Mary is studying her lesson. d) This is a donkey. b) John is studying lesson. (ears - long) e Betty is reading magazine. d Jeff Is reading newspaper. e) This is monkey. e) Meg is dancing with friend. (ears - short) 1 Fred is dancing with friend. gi Albert is driving car. 5. Escreva no plural: a) My blouse is red. Our blouses are red. hi Monica is driving car. i She is writing name. b) This is my house. neme. j) He is writing name is George. c) My car is clean. name is Patricia. d) Open your book. Escreva as frases no plural: a) His book is on the table. Their books are on the table. e) Write your name. bi Her pencil is in the bag. in the bag. f) That is his friend. c) He is playing with his frtend. playing with a) His hat is blue. di She is writing to her friend. E1

1 Resposta

  • Kailanerayssa

    amg, tá mt confusa isso ai, tem foto da atividade?

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