Elimination of Racial Discrimination - 21 March The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

is an

opportunity for women and men to renew their commitment to building a world

of justice, equality and dignity, where racial discrimination has no place. [...]

On this day, we must recall that respect of others is essential to respect for

ourselves and our own communities and that humanity is a single family,

brought together by shared aspirations and a common destiny. Lasting peace

can only be built on the equality and dignity of every woman and man ‒

regardless of ethnic, religious, gender, socioeconomic or other background. [...]

The fight against discrimination is one we must all lead, every day,

through our own actions – but, together, we can multiply our efforts to build a

more just, equal world of dignity for all women and men

2. Let’s imagine your school is promoting the School Day for the Elimination of Discrimination. You have been chosen as the class representative to make a speech about that issue to other students. Before writing your speech, think about the Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech you read on page 33 and the Oprah Winfrey’s speech you listened to on page 41. Which characteristics can you find in those speeches?

• They are in the 1st person singular. X

• They are informal and full of slangs.

• They refer to the authors’ personal experiences and opinions. X

• They use the technique of repetition (“But I wouldn’t stop there…”, “Sister Rosa…”).

• They are politically powerful. X

• They are meant to arouse strong emotion in the audience. X

• They are cold, deprived of emotion.

Now it’s your turn to write your speech. Follow the guidelines below.
Write down a draft of your speech. It doesn’t have to be long.
Use the vocabulary and language aspects you learned in this Unit.
Ask some classmates to read your speech. Get some feedback.
Rewrite your speech using the feedback you had as a basis and make any
improvements or necessary corrections.
Proofread your work.
Display your speech on the bulletin board in your classroom board or share it on
the Internet


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