ENGLISH ACTIVITY 1. Write the sentence in the plural:

1. Write the sentence in the plural:
* exemplo:
THAT coat IS blue. ---> THOSE coats ARE blue
a) This bracelet is new.

b) That watch is beautiful.

c) This is Tom´s jacket.

d) This isn´t your shoe.

e) That isn´t your notebook.

f) This person isn´t rich.

2. Write the sentence in the singular:
* Exemplo:
THESE sweaters ARE pretty. ----> THIS sweater IS pretty.

a) Those purses are expensive.

b) Are these your neighbors?

c) Are those your dresses?

d) Those are Bill´s shirts.

f) These are not my gloves.

e) Those are her cats.

3. Unscramble the sentences:
* Exemplo:
jacket/ I/ that´s/ think/ my. ----> I think that's my jacket.

a) my / these / gloves / new / are

b) boots / are not / those / black / your

c) year / blue / very / this / suits / popular / are

d) old / that´s / car / brother´s / my /

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