Escrever uma curta peça sobre um caso de tribunal real que conhece. o jogo deve ter muitos personagens,

por exemplo: um juiz; um advogado; um réu; um procecutor; testemunha; um júri

1 Resposta

  • Julliagatinhappank

    this is a normal morning for me. my name is saul and i am a twenty years old lawyer who has to work a lot to pay for his bills. the judge is bad humored today, i am next to a low class thief whose i have to make the defense. the witnesses aren’t  many but are very important in the city. the low class thief named robert has stolen the purse off the mayors little daughter so i bet he is in trouble. i don’t let he speak, i am the one putting my efforts on defending this guy but it doesn’t make much sense because he won’t stand a chance.

    as i predicted, the thief got tem years for stealin a purse. the judge was not in a good humor and soon gave the sentence. this one is over, now,   i will get back to my miserable lawyers life.

    escrevi isso aqui, se não tiver como você quer me da um toque.

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