EXERCÍCIOS: 1. Choose the best alternative (Simple past) a) “[…] Surprisingly, little “Al” Edison,

who was the last seven children in his familyto talk until he was almost four years of age. Immediately thereafter, he pleading with every adult he to explain the workings of just about everything he encountered.[…] ( ) didn’t learned, begin, met ( ) did not learned, began, met ( ) did not learn, began, met b) A:? B: Yes, I did ( ) Did you buy canvas for the painting? ( ) Will You buy Canvas? ( ) Do you buy canvas for the painting? c) A: ? B: No, my brother the room. ( ) Do you paint this room? / paints ( ) Will you paint this room? /Will paint ( ) Did you paint this room? /painted 2. Choose the best alternative (Passive structure) A) The president spoke to the nation this morning and affirmed that the imminent pandemicand that those who suffer. ( ) will be cured, will be avoided ( ) will be avoided, will be cured ( ) had been aboided, are cured B) Despite all the investments in research and tests, relatively few biotechnological drugs. ( ) had been approved ( ) had been approving ( ) is being approved C) The police reported that the victms had died because of severe adverse reactions to the vaccines which earlier that day. ( ) will be administered ( ) had been administered ( ) are being administeres


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