*Exercise 3* – Complete usando os verbos entre parênteses. *Atenção ao sujeito na 3ª pessoa do singular*

a) The cat milk (to drink)
b) The computer me (to relax)
c) He cars (to fix)
d) Henry on the street (to walk)
e) George Spanish (to speak)
f) She ………………………… good films (to watch)
g) It a strange color (to have)
h) The President Economics (to study)
i) The singer very well (to sing)

1 Resposta

  • heylivis

    a) The cat drinks milk

    b) The compuyer relaxes me

    c) he fixes cars

    d) Henry walks on the street

    e) George speaks spanish

    f) She watches good films

    g) It has a strange color

    h) The president studies economics

    i) The singer sings very well


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