Faça como o exemplo mary sings funk mary sang funk did mary sings funk mary didnt sing funk mary canta fank

Faça como o exemplo

mary sings funk
mary sang funk
did mary sings funk
mary didnt sing funk
mary canta fank

1)she read the newspaper
2)we got up late
3)they drove very fast
4)she swam in the pool

1 Resposta

  • Fernandaa

    1. She reads the newspaper.

    She read the newspaper.

    Did she read the newspaper?

    She didn't read the newspaper.

    Ela lê o jornal.

    2. We get up late.

    We got up late.

    Did we get up late?

    We didn't get up late.

    Nós levantamos tarde.

    3. They drive very fast.

    They drove very fast.

    Did they drive very fast?

    They didn't drive very fast.

    Eles dirigem muito rápido.

    4. She swims in the pool.

    She swam in the pool.

    Did she swim in the pool?

    She didn't swim in the pool.

    Ela nada na piscina.

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