Fill in the blanks with the adequate adjectives and pronouns and mark the right option.    

 
Do want to see ? Oh, cant see today.

When travel, usually enjoy a lot.

The house is not old, but windows are all broken.

Do you prefer listening to records or ?

The one committed this crime must be punished.

is the weather like today? Its a fine sunny day.

a) you / him / he / you / they / they / themselves / itself / their / your / her / who-that / How.

b) you / her / she / you / we / we / ourselves / itself / theirs / your / his / that / How.

c) you / him / he / you / you / you / yourselves / itself / their / your / hers / who-that / How.

d) you / her / she / you / we / we / ourselves / itself / its / your / mine / who / What.

e) you / them / they / you / they / they / themselves / itself / its / your / theirs / who / How.

1 Resposta

  • tokioruiva

    a) How


    Pergunta: Como (how) está o tempo hoje?

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