Fill in the gaps with the rigth form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Daisy(bring) some chocolates to the birthday

2.i(hear) a new song on the radio.
3.Peter(read) three books last week.
4.The Smiths(speak) italian to the waitress
5.Peter(understand) during the class, but now he doesn t understand
6.My mother(forget) to buy some milk.
7.Susan(have) a baby in august.
8.We (lose) our keys last friday
9.They(swim) 5oom yesterday aftermoon
10.I (give) my mother a CD for her birthday

Me ajudem prfvr !!

1 Resposta

  • tokioruiva

    1. Brought
    2. Heard
    3. Read
    4. Spoken
    5. Understood
    6. Forgot
    7. Had
    8. Lost
    9. Swam
    10. Gave


    Verbos no passado tem duas formas: Past Simple ou Past Participle, se forem regulares tem o acréscimo de ED no fim, dependendo da palavra, mas se for irregular, ela tem sua forma própria de colocação no passado, dependendo do tempo verbal do texto, sendo diferentes a forma de simple past e past particple, cada um tem sua forma irregular de acordo com o verbo e a colocação do texto. Espero ter ajudado :) OBS: Estude os Verbos Irregulares que irá lhe ajudar a melhorar o inglês.

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