Frve d. Nine There are different families in the world. Big family. small family Family with father mother

and children, family with couple and a dog, family with father and children, family with mother and children, family with two parents or two mothers, family where grandparents are the parents, blood family, and heart family Após ler o texto, responda as questões abaixo. 3. How many teenagers are on the pisture ?(Quantos adolescentes ha na imagem?) a. Five b. TWO cone 1. Qual o assunto do texto? d. Six a. Familia 4. O autor fala sobre diferentes tipos de familias. Como seria "amilia do coração" em inglês? b. Comida. a. Heart family b. Blood family c. Aglomeração d. Fofocas. 2. How many cildreen are on the Picture ?(Quantas crianças há na imagem?) c. Small family d. Big family a. Six b. Eight


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