Gente me ajudem o mais rápido possível por favor e pra entregar dia 29 desse mês 1.Read these extracts

from a book about globalization. In your notebook, answer: which aspect/s (cultural, economic, social, political) does each extract focus on?

l- Popular culture [...] has become a part of everyday life for billions of people. In recent decades, western influences have been pervasive, although often superficial. Western videos, pop recordings, jeans, and shopping malls have
attracted some youth in Asia, Africa and Latin America, but their influence on the broader society, especially in the rural areas, is often limited. No common world culture has emerged [...]. (p. 758)

Il- Africa has experienced severe economic problems. As during colonial times, Africans have mostly supplied agricultural and mineral resources [...] to the global economy, but this has not brought widespread wealth. [...] Sub-Saharan African has also had the world's highest infant mortality rates and lowest literacy rates and average life expectancy. (p. 890)

III Globalization [...] has not always benefited the lives of poor people and has also led to continued foreign domination of some groups and nations by others. (p. 756)

IV- Industrialization has spread throughout Asia and Latin America [...] and the service and information industries have grown rapidly; but some globalization practices, such as outsourcing jobs to countries with cheaper labor, have produced hardships. (p. 756)

2.Analyze the highlighted clauses in activity 1 and choose the appropriate options in your notebook.

a) The highlighted clauses refer to actions that...

I started in the past and continue until now.

II started and finished in the past.

III remain in the present.

b All the clauses contain the auxiliary verb...

l do/does.

II have/has.

III did.

c)The main verbs are in the...

I- present participle (verb in the base form + -ing).

II- past participle.

III- past simple.

d) The clauses are in the

I affirmative form.

II affirmative and interrogative form.

III affirmative and negative form.

3. In your notebook, complete the list with the main verbs in activity 1. Then choose the appropriate options.

_Infinitive (base form)

_Past simple






























a) It is possible to say that the sentences highlighted in yellow use regular/irregular verbs.

b) The sentences highlighted in pink use verbs that have the same form/a different form in the past simple and in the past participle.

© The sentences highlighted in blue use verbs that have the same form/a different form in
the past simple and in the past participle.

d) The sentence highlighted in green uses a verb that has the same form/a different form in the base form and in the past participle.

e) The sentence highlighted in grey uses a verb that has the same form/a different form in the base form, in the past simple and in the past participle.

4.Now read more extracts on globalization and answer the questions in your notebook.

What has globalization done to cities? Has globalization accelerated urban growth?Has it influenced city-related policies?

Il Those critical of neo-liberal globalization see the Bretton Woods institutions [1 as having an increasingly outdated ideological perspective and argue that their policies have not sufficiently fulfilled the key promise of raising global living standards [...]

III Globalization hasn't fixed the gap between rich and poor, top CEOs say

a What is the position of the auxiliary verb in the interrogative form?

b Are the main verbs kept in the past participle or do we use the base form?

c If the contracted form of "has not" is "hasn't", what is the contracted form of "have not"?

5.In your notebook, complete this summary about the present perfect.

To talk about actions that started in the and continue until now, we use the auxiliary ( /has) + main verb in the participle.

To form the negative form, we add "not" after the verb. The contracted forms are and "haven't".

To form the interrogative form, we place the auxiliary ("have/"has") the subject or an interrogative pronoun.

The main verb is always in the be the sentence affirmative, interrogative or negative.

6.Now read these excerpts and choose the appropriate answers in your notebook.

a- The world has also seen significant economic change since 1945. (p. 731)

b- The world of today has also been shaped by the trends marking the decades since World War II. (p. 731)

c- Millions of refugees have remained for decades in squalid refugee camps. (p. 757)

a) In the excerpts. "1945", "World War II" and "decades" are words or expressions that indicate time/place.

b) "Since" comes before a point in time/indicates a period of time.

c) "For" comes before a point in time/indicates a period of time.


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