Grammar: Near Future (be + going to). COMPLETE the sentences

using "Be +Going to+ ver'' Future

. 1-I am sure Paul_____(be) here tomorrow. He promised it.

2- I have decided: my family and I______. (travel) to Olinda next vacation.

3- All the students ______. ( get) only good grades in the tests tomorrow

4- We________. ( think) about your 5- My sisters have planned they______ ( take ) their kids to the park tomorrow

1 Resposta

  • CremildaBR

    ⇒⇒  Simple future with 'going to'

    1-  I am sure Paul is going to be here tomorrow. He promised it.

    2- I have decided: my family and I are going to travel to Olinda next vacation.

    3- All the students are going to get only good grades in the tests tomorrow

    4- We are going to think about you.

    5- My sisters have planned they are going to take their kids to the park tomorrow.


    ⇒⇒ Simple future com 'going to' >>> O futuro com 'going to' indica que o futuro foi planejado e que certamente vai acontecer.


    sujeito + am/is/ are + going to + verbo

    I am going to visit my parents next weekend.

    The kids are going to play soccer tomorrow.

    David is going to work on Sunday.

    Negative form

    Sujeito + am / is / are + not + going to + verbo

    I am not going to study tomorrow.

    They are not going to Paris next month.

    Interrogative form

    Am / is / are + sujeito + going to + verbo

    Are you going to visit your cousins next Sunday?

    Is Paul going to buy a new car?

    Learn more



    Grammar: Near Future (be + going to). COMPLETE the sentences

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