HAPPINESS Do you consider yourself a happy person or a sad o

ne? Who are the happiest people in the world anyway? The organization known as The World Database of Happiness has done some research into how people appreciate life. The research involved over 1,500 people in 68 countries. According to the research, happiness is one of the most highly valued items for human beings. Most people agree that is better to enjoy life than suffer; they also support ideas that create greater happiness for a larger number of people. However, we have to understand what happiness is. And more importantly than that, we have to know exactly what makes people happy and the reasons for it. There is evidence, however, of what happiness is not. For example, there's no guarantee that finding a great love makes you happier, at least not over a long period of time. And, believe it or not, the richest people are not necessarily the most content. A survey of 100 American millionaires proved that they were only as happy as middle class people.​


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