He pears are resposta harder than the plums. (hard) 2. the roses are resposta more beautiful than the nasturtiums.

He pears are resposta
than the plums. (hard)
2. the roses are resposta
more beautiful
than the nasturtiums. (beautiful)
3. the tomatoes are resposta
than the apples. (expensive)
4. my bicycle is resposta
than yours. (new)
5. cold lemonade is resposta
than water. (refreshing)
6. the front yard is resposta
than the back yard. (big)
7. this map is resposta
than that one. (good)
8. spinach is resposta
than swiss chard. (delicate)
9. his car is resposta
than yours. (cheap)
10. her report is resposta
than ours. (accurate)

1 Resposta

  • Crislane

    3-more expensive
    5-more refreshing
    8-more delicate
    10-more accurate

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