HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. I dining room, 1-living room, 1 large familyroom with fireplace

HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. I dining room, 1-living room, 1 large family
room with fireplace basemenl. Tenavated katehen with new appliances
large backyard. Close to subway and bus station 345 Wear Lane Street
Assessed price $183,500.00 For details contact 0112320748928 traduzir esse texto​

1 Resposta

  • Aryanemendes

    3 Tick the presents Patricia gives her Canadian family.

    (X) Blue topaz earrings

    ( ) A seed necklace

    ( ) Rose quartz earrings

    ( ) An aquamarine necklace

    ( ) Silver earrings

    ( ) Black beans

    ( ) A bottle of perfume

    (X) Some coffee

    ( ) Guarana

    (X) A T-shirt

    ( ) A sand bottle

    (X) A book about the Amazon

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