Housewife Worked for you’re really lucky, at home all day, I’m very busy. I get up, fix breakfast, take

(someone) to school, I look after, during the day, do the laundry, do the shopping, do the cleaning do the cooking a very difficult job. Before I got married, I worked for a large company. I was a secretary. Now I’m a housewife. I don’t like it when people say, “Oh, so you don’t work” or “you’re really Lucky. I’d like to stay at home all day”. They don’t understand I’m very busy all day. I get up before my hunsband to fix breskfast for him and the children. Then I take my son Carlos to school. I have another son, Marco, Who is four, so I look after him during the day. I do the laundry, I do the shopping, I do the cleaning, I do the cooking. It’s a very difficult job. The methods used allowed the scientists to come to conclusions.
3. De acordo com o texto as donas de casa: *

a) São azaradas por ter que ficar o dia todo em casa.

b) São bastante folgadas.

c) São realmente de sorte por ficar o dia todo em casa.

d) Trabalham pouco.


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