Jasmine the Giraffe Jasmine the giraffe wandered away from h

er mother to find the tastiest leaves. Suddenly Jasmine realized she was lost! She looked for her mother among the trees but saw only monkeys. She looked in the fields but saw only zebras. Finally at noon, Jasmine heard her mother call from the hilltop, "Jasmine, lunch is ready!"
1. Who couldn't find her mother?
2. What did Jasmine see in the fields? 3. When did Jasmine hear
4. Where did Jasmine's mother her mother? call her from?
5. Why did Jasmine wander avway?​

1 Resposta

  • nyanyan


    1. Jasmine

    2. Zebras

    3. At noon

    4. From the hilltop

    5. To find the tastiest leaves

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