LANGUAGE USAGE Unscramble the words to ask questions. Then, answer the questions with informationabout

LANGUAGE USAGE Unscramble the words to ask questions. Then, answer the questions with information
about yourself

a) last/you/evening/were/Saturday/wher e/?

b) school/when/from/you/absent/were/?< br />
c) matter/what/the/with/you/was/?d) old/were/four/how/you/ago/years/?
e) yesterday/school/at/was/friend/your /best/?
por favor preciso urgente ​

1 Resposta

  • alvesdasilvamariaedu

    a) Where were you last saturday?

    b) Where were you absent from school?

    c) What was the matter with you? Were you four years old ago? (Não tenho certeza se está correta)

    e) Your best friend was school yesterday?

    Espero ter ajudado! Bons estudos.

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