Leia abaixo alguns dos beneficios que as arvores trazen en espaces urbanos e escreva em português ancia

de cada ceneficia que as arvores nos proporcionam: Benefits of trees in cities: Tees CAN Pas the streets By Providing shade and releasing water vapor through the leaves they can were rennerture denveen 2 C and C. Promotie biodiversity Providing habitat, food and shelter for plants and animals. Trees are a great ao wa inciversity Dean the air and provide rygen. Trees can turn 150kg of CO2 into oxygen every year can improve physical and mental health for example by decreasing high blood pressure and stress. This in tim, contributes to the weil-being of urban communities. Reguliata water flow and play a key role in preventing floods and reducing the risk of natural dinamas. A mature aereen tree for instance can intercept more than 15 000 liters of water Wine benefits of urban trees.

Leia abaixo alguns dos beneficios que as arvores trazen en espaces urbanos e escreva em português a


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