- Leia o cartoon abaixo, e marque a opção correta. (0,25) No cartoon, o autor:A) Demonstra a vontade do

- Leia o cartoon abaixo, e marque a opção correta. (0,25) No cartoon, o autor:

A) Demonstra a vontade do aluno de estudar matemática.

B) Satiriza os problemas que o menino tem com a matemática.

C) Evidencia a importância dos estudos para um futuro promissor.

D) Apresenta a mudança de opinião do menino com relação à matemática

2-Marque a resposta correta de acordo com o cartoon: (0,25)

A) Demonstra a opinião de duas pessoas sobre uma condição climática.

B) Apresenta a mudança de comportamento sofrida por um dos personagens.

C) Ironiza a falta de mudança comportamental de um terceiro personagem.

D) Retrata apenas duas pessoas que se encontram para tomar café.

USED TO+infinitive ,GET USED TO gerund, BE USED TO+gerund.

3-Choose the correct sentence - (1,5=0,15)


( ) We aren’t used to listening to that kind of music

( ) We arent’ used to listen to that kind of music


( ) She will soon get used to work here

( ) She will soon get used to working here


( ) I used to working for that company

( ) I used to work for that company


( ) We never got used to getting up so early

( ) We never got used to get up so early


( ) We used to getting up early but we are retired now and we don’t need to

( ) We used to get up early but we are retired now and we don’t need to


( ) When she moved to France she had to get used to drive on the right

( ) When she moved to France she had to get used to driving on the right


( ) We couldn’t sleep very well in Japan, we aren’t used to sleeping on the floor

( ) We couldn’t sleep very well in Japan, we aren’t used to sleep on the floor


( ) We used to travelling a lot before having children

( ) We used to travel a lot before having children


( ) The most difficult thing was to get used to eating such spicy food

( ) The most difficult thing was to get used to eat such spicy food


( ) I am used to working on the night shift

( ) I am used to work on the night shift​

- Leia o cartoon abaixo, e marque a opção correta. (0,25) No cartoon, o autor:A) Demonstra a vont

1 Resposta

  • Michaeldouglas

    1 D 2 B, 3 a) 1 b) 1  c)2


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