Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões 6 a 8:Magazine, websites & books written by teens since

Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões 6 a 8:
Magazine, websites & books written by teens since 1989
Our lives, futures and planets are in danger! By polluting the air, illegally disposing of toxic waste and burning rain forests. We are damaging our world, and what is the world doing? Is it doing all that it can and should? The very simple answer is no.
Available at: www. teenink. com/hot_topics/environment/article/ 4362/are-we-doing-enough

(QUESTION 6) Qual a temática e o tempo verbal abordado no texto? Justifique:
(QUESTION 7) Retire do texto uma frase com a estrutura (subject+verb to be+main verb (+ING)+ complement) e reescreva essa frase na forma negativa e interrogativa:

(QUESTION 8) Are you doing anything to improve the environment? Reescreva as frases organizando as palavras para formar perguntas usando a estrutura do Present Continuous.

a) taking/ are/ you/ showers/ long?
b) bags/ are/ using/ ecological/ you?
c) paper/ school/ the/ is/ recycling?
d) water/ saving/ you/ home/ at/ are?
e) you and/ planting/ trees/ your friends/ are?

1 Resposta

  • FerSilva

    1ª: She is studying English now
    2ª: I am eating apple in the couch
    3ª: He is walking in the farm

    É isso

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