Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões de A à E (modificadas). THE WORLD WATER GAP A. Combine

as colunas:
The water equation is simple but deadly: some 20 percent more water is needed than is available today to feed the
additional 3 billion people who will be alive by 2025, warns the World Commission on Water for the 21 Century.
Such statement marks the first time that a major effort is being made to link global water scarcity with food security
— the ability of a country to feed itself. “Even if we do everything we can to make irrigated agriculture more water
efficient, humanity will still need at least 17 percent more fresh water to meet all its food needs than is currently
available… the world water gap”, said the Chairman of the Water Commission.
The Commission warns: “We are facing a world water gap right now, this minute, and the crisis will only get worse.
The consequences of failing to bridge the world water gap will be higher food prices and expensive food imports for
water scarce countries that are predominantly poor. Already, 800 million people are going hungry because they
cannot afford to buy food”.
We already face severe water-related problems, such as:
• 1.4 billion people live without clean drinking water;
• 2.3 billion people lack adequate sanitation;
• 7 million die yearly from diseases linked to water;
• half the world’s rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.
• currently, nearly 450 million people in 29 countries face water shortage problems, a figure that is
projected to jump to nearly 2.5 billion people by 2050.
The Commission adds that “water scarcity, not shortage of land, will be the main constraint to increase agricultural
production in developing countries in the coming years”.
As you read this text, be aware that since you are part of the problem you must also be part of the solution.
( 1 ) Gap
( 2 ) needed ( 3 ) available ( 4 ) feed
( 5 ) scarcity ( 6 ) meet
( 7 ) failing ( 8 ) water
( 9 ) shortage ( 10 ) figure
( 11 ) constraint ( 12 ) face
( ) restrição, limite
( ) déficit, falta, lacuna
( ) falta, deficiência
( ) preciso, necessária
( ) enfrentam, enfrentar
( ) escassez
( ) quantia, soma
( ) água
( ) fracasso, fracassar
( ) abastecer, alimentar
( ) disponível
( ) satisfazer, superar


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