Leia o texto e retire os verbos regulares e irregulares carla is in salvador, in the state of bahia. it's

Leia o texto e retire os verbos regulares e irregulares

carla is in salvador, in the state of bahia. it's a wonderful place. she arrived on march and the next day, she walked around pelourinho, a very interesting historical place. then she visited some museums and bealtiful churchs. after that she stopped for souvenirs and saw a lot of colorful old houses. last night she listened to axé music and ate acarajé. she went to amaralina beach by bus. she didn't spend a loto f time sunbathing because it was very hot.

1 Resposta

  • Yagolds

    Identifiquei esses: is, arrived, walked, visited, stopped, saw, listened, went, was.

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