Leia o texto para as questões 1 a 6 Am I overreacting in my relationship? Tina and I have been together

Leia o texto para as questões 1 a 6 Am I overreacting in my relationship?

Tina and I have been together for the past ten years. We met at high-school. Six months ago I decided to move in with her. Despite my parents’ reluctance, I knew it was the best thing to do. We rented a studio next to her workplace.
Although we know each other pretty well after all this time, things haven’t worked the way we thought they would. I work from home and Tina has a part-time job. After safety concerns, the company that she works for decided to furloughed its workforce. Now, Tina and I are struggling to keep our relationship.
Sometimes I cook and Tinay does the dishes and sometimes it is the other way around. I’m much into watching the news while Tina is a big fan of soap operas. There’s only one TV so we take turns.
I know this might sound weird but I’m starting to think that I may have got married to a control freak. Tina is always complaining about me snoring and moving in the bed. Just the other day she wen’t bananas because of piles of clothes scattered on the bed. She complains about everything I do. She also throws a tantrum if something isn’t going her way. What should I do?

6. Como se diz " ...this might sound weird... " em Português? Veja dentro do contexto: *

“I know this might sound weird but I’m starting to think that I may have got married to a control freak.”

1 ponto

...não fale com estranhos...

... isso deve soar estranho...

... ele teve um comportamento estranho...

... ele escuta sons estranhos


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