Leia o texto: Wonderful and Touching for Adults, Imagine for Children Roy MIKAR TOYE STORY 3 Andy is

now seventeen years old and is going to college. His mother presses him to decide the fate of his toys, and Andy decides to leave them in the attic, with the exception of Woody that he intends to bring with him. However Andy's mother donates them by accident to the Sunnyside Daycare. The toys are welcomed by Lotso Bear but sooner they discover that the children mistreat them. Further, they are imprisoned in the daycare by Lotso and his gang. But Woody discovers the intention of the evil bear and returns to the daycare to organize the escape of his friends. “Toy Story 3" is a wonderful and touching animation for adults imagine for children. This magnificent tale of loyalty and friendship is fantastic and recommended for the whole family and it is a worth entertainment. My vote is ten. CARVALHO, Cláudio. Wonderful and Touching for Adults Imagine for Children. 2010. In: IMDB. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 2 dez 2019. (LEM081217_SUP) Responda as questões abaixo, de acordo com o texto lido.
01) Quantos anos Andy tem?
02) Após a mãe pressionar Andy sobre o destino dos seus brinquedos, onde ele decidiu deixá-los?
03) Qual brinquedo Andy decidiu levar consigo para a Faculdade?
04) O que a mãe do Andy fez com os brinquedos por engano?
05) O que aconteceu com os brinquedos na creche?
06) Após Woody descobrir o que aconteceu com seus amigos na creche, o que ele fez?
07) Qual a opinião do autor da resenha?
08) Retire do texto 10 palavras desconhecidas, procure o significado no dicionário e registre em seu caderno.
09) Retire do texto 5 substantivos,
10) Retire do texto 5 verbos,


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