Leia o trecho abaixo para responder à questão 06: Last year I visited London and Paris. 1stayed three

Leia o trecho abaixo para responder à questão 06: Last year I visited London and Paris. 1
stayed three days in Paris and four in Lon-
don. I liked the two cities very much. It
was a wonderful trip but very short.
QUESTÃO 06- Os verbos encontrados no trecho acima: "Visited – stayed - was - liked”, são verbos,
(A) Regular/Regular/Irregular/Regular.< br />(B) Regular/Irregular/Irregular/Irregul ar.
(C) Irregular/ Irregular/Irregular/Regular.
(D) Todos regulares.

Leia o trecho abaixo para responder à questão 06: Last year I visited London and Paris. 1stayed t


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