Letter: Sending children back to school now would be too great a risk Back to school? It is still too

early for a return, says our correspondent. The risks are just too great.

Keith Massey (Letters, May 20) is all for getting children back to school. He says there may be some, but acceptable, risk.

A Public Health definition of acceptable risk states this as the degree to which the probability of suffering disease or injury is viewed as being reasonable by an individual or society in exchange for certain benefits.

Acceptability of risk depends on scientific data; social, economic and political factors; and on the perceived benefits. It does not seem to me that the risk of contracting Covid19 can be viewed as reasonable just to get children back to school and parents back to work, which is surely what this is bout.

We should look at France: it has reported 70 cases of coronavirus linked to schools just a week after they reopened. French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanque said that the return had put some children in new danger of infection and that the affected schools were being closed immediately while seven schools in northern France have already closed. This is after France reopened 40,000 preschools and primary schools last week, with classes capped at 15 students.

Is this the kind of ‘acceptable risk’ we need just now? I think not.

Dave Platt,

Keepers Way, Dunnington, York

Disponível em: /Acesso em: 08 jun. 2020.

O objetivo da carta de leitor escrita por Dave Platt é

criticar o ponto de vista de Keith Massey sobre o retorno das aulas presenciais na pandemia e argumentar contra a opinião dele.

questionar os leitores se eles possuem a mesma opinião de Keith Massey sobre o retorno das aulas presenciais na pandemia.

apresentar a França como um péssimo exemplo a ser seguido em virtude de ter decretado o retorno das aulas presenciais.

elogiar a carta escrita por Keith Massey, publicada no jornal, no dia 20 de maio.

1 Resposta

  • Fernandaa

    1) c.

    2) a. T
    b. T
    c. F
    d. T
    e. F
    f. F

    3) (essa eu não entendi)

    4) a. → host the 2018 World Cup.
    b. → to watch a movie tonight.
    c. → be at the airport waiting for me?
    d. → gonna stay at home tonight?
    e. → good if we don't plan for it now.
    f. → at home tomorrow?
    g. → is going to host the next Olympic Games?

    Espero q tenha ajudado, desculpa n saber a 3), n entendi..

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