MAHATMA GHANDI Mahatma Gandhi is called the father of India. He helped the people of India to gain freedom

from Great Britain. Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2, 1869. At age 13, he married Kasturbai, age 12. Their parents arranged the marriage. Gandhi and his wife had four sons. Gandhi went to London to study law. In 1891, he returned to India, but he did not do well as a lawyer. That same year, he was offered a job in South Africa, and he and his family moved there. At that time, Great Britain ruled South Africa and Indian people who lived there had few rights. Gandhi stayed for 20 years to help gain equal rights for Indian people. During this time, he decided that those who truly believed in the cause could use peaceful ways to win freedom and equal rights for all people. People could do things like refuse to eat, go on strike, or not obey laws. He used these ideas when he returned to India. Gandhi went back to India in 1915. He traveled many places to tell people about his ideas for peaceful protests. He became the leader of the movement to get the British to leave India. The British treated him and his followers badly. Gandhi was put in jail many times for refusing to do what the British told him to, for leading strikes, or for breaking laws. But Gandhi never used violence. Gandhi worked for India’s freedom for 30 years. Finally, in 1945, the British said they would leave. In 1946, Gandhi’s friend, Jawaharlal Nehru, became prime minister of India. But India still had problems. Gandhi wanted Indian Muslims and Hindus to live together in peace. Instead, they were afraid of what would happen when the British left and started killing each other. To protest the killings, Gandhi, who was now an old man, began a fast. After 5 days, they said they would stop the killing. Just 12 days later, on January 30, 1948, a Hindu man killed Gandhi at a prayer meeting. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS
1. Read the statements below. If the statement is true, write T beside the sentence. If it is false, write F.
( ) Gandhi was married at a very young age. ( ) Gandhi was a lawyer. ( ) Gandhi used violent protests against the British. ( ) Gandhi is called the father of South Africa. ( ) Gandhi became the first prime minister of India.
2. Answer the questions. (Você pode responder em protuguês)
a) Why is Gandhi called the father of India?
b) Why did Gandhi move to SouthAfrica?
c) Why did he stay in South Africa for twenty years?
d) Why was Gandhi put in jail many times?
e) When did the British agree to leave India?
f) What kind of problems did India face when the country first became independent?
g) What peaceful methods did Gandhi use in his lifetime to achieve change?
h) How did Gandhi die?
3. Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right.
A. gain
B. arrange
C. rule
D. movement
E. refuse
F. strike
G. obey
H. protest
I. violence
J. fast
( ) govern, control ( ) not eat, go without food ( ) follow instructions, do what you’re told to do ( ) get, receive ( ) great force, non-peaceful action ( ) plan ( ) say “no” to something ( ) group actions for a special purpose, cause ( ) demonstrate against something, oppose ( ) stop working in order to protest


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