ME AJUDA CAR, O TEMA ACABA AS 16:30 B)CADEIA. Algumas palavras fugiram da cadeia na festa de São João.

Coloque-as de volta, completando totalmente o quadro abaixo. Pesquise em seu material da primeira semana de aula à distância que tivemos: os pronomes pessoais e o verbo "to be". QUEM? O QUÊ? 1. Mother 2. My family 3. My cousins 4. My pets 5. Look! That 6. My pictures COMPLEMENTO: thirty years old. big. my best friends! part of my family. my school, in my cellphone! VERBO TO BE: is not not C)PINTANDO NA FESTA. Pinte a "flag" que possui o pronome pessoal correto para: 1. The popcorn 2. The pets 3. My sister They He She He She It They It We

1 Resposta

  • Alves

    1. Mother is thirty years old. = She is thirty years old.

    2. My family is big. = It is big.

    3. My cousins are my best friends! = They are my best friends!

    4. My pets are part of my family. = They are part of my family.

    5. Look! That is my school = It is my school.

    6. My pictures are in my cellphone = They are in my cellphone!

    1. The popcorn = It

    2. The pets = They

    3. My sister = She

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