Me Ajudem Pfv É pra amanha 1: Classifique as orações em simple present ou presente continuous. Em seguida,

Me Ajudem Pfv É pra amanha

1: Classifique as orações em simple present ou presente continuous. Em seguida, passe-as para as formas negativa e interrogativa:

a) She is talking to us.
b) you speak spanish
c) They are studying ilistory
d) Y am playing soccer.
e) We read some books.
f) It goes.
g) you are walking here.
h) She washes the dishes
i) They are working hard
j) jle fixes the car.
k) I travel to Dondon​

1 Resposta

  • Gustastrada

    A)prensent continuous
    Neg:She isn’t talking to us
    Interrog: Is she talking to us?

    B)Simple present
    Neg:You don’t speak spanish
    Interrog:Do you speak spanish?

    C)Present continuous
    Neg:They’re not studying history
    Interrog:Are they studying history?

    D)present continuous
    Neg: I’m not playing soccer
    Interrog:Am I playing soccer?

    E) Simple present
    Neg:We don’t read some books
    Interrog:Do we read some books?

    G)Present continuous
    Neg: You aren’t walking here
    Interrog: Are you walking here?

    H)simple present
    Neg:She doesn’t wash the dishes
    Interrog: Does she washes the dishes?

    I)Present continuous
    Neg: They aren’t working hard
    Interrog: Are they working hard?

    J) Simple present
    Neg:Jle doesn’t fix the car
    Interrog: Does Jle fix the car?

    k)Simple present
    Neg: I don’t travel to London
    Interrog: Do I travel to London?

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