Me ajudem porfavo e para amanhã! 3. complete com o paste continuous tense. siga o modeloa) they were eating

Me ajudem porfavo e para amanhã! 3. complete com o paste continuous tense. siga o modelo

a) they were eating cake and I was eating fruit (to eat)

b) the boys_a Tite and the bee _ on the flower (to ply)

C) we_on the square and you _on the club (to run)

d) Paulo and José_ for you friends and she_teacher (to lie)

e) he_the exercise and the girls_poetry (to write)

4: preencha as lacunas com os past contínuos dos verbos em parênteses:

a) she_watch TV when he called.

b) when the phone rango, they_(write) a letter.

C) he_(study) while she_(make) dinner.

D) _(you / speak) English?

e) he _(play/not) football.

Me ajudem porfavo e para amanhã!!!!!!! 3. complete com o paste continuous tense. siga o modeloa)


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