O texto a seguir é o excerto de um artigo publicado no site de uma revista online. 24 Famous Paintings,

Recreated by an Artist and Her Dog Even the greatest works of art look even better with a nice Australian Shepherd. Finnegan "Finn" Reinhardt is a Texas-based Australian Shepherd dog who has spent the last year brilliantly recreating famous works of art with his best friend and roommate Eliza. Eliza's keen artistic eye, sense of humor, and skills as a painter are a perfect complement to Finn's years of practice at being an exceptionally good boy, and the pair have collaborated on dozens of magnificent artistic homages, using just materials they have at home to recreate various masterpieces.

Finn and Eliza's earliest works are more literal, finding paintings of women and dogs to recreate, but as their journey has progressed they've found more and more creative ways to interpret different pieces, and it's a joy to see their clever ideas come to life. You can keep up with their delightful recreations by following them on Instagram, and Eliza also has an Etsy shop with a book of their work. Here are a few of their most inspired creations.

O texto apresentado contém adjetivos na forma superlativa da língua inglesa "Superlative Form". Com relação ao sentido e ao uso dessas construções no texto, avalie as afirmações a seguir como (V) para verdadeiras e (F) para falsas:

l. Na continuação do artigo, provavelmente serão apresentadas algumas das criações mais inspiradas da artista.

ll, Os trabalhos mais recentes de Finn e Eliza são mais literais, com recriações de pinturas com mulheres e cachorros.

lll, para o autor, do artigo, mesmo os maiores trabalhos de arte podem ser arruinados com as recriações de Eliza e seu cachorro.

As afirmações l, ll e lll são respectivamente:

V, V,V
V, V,F
V, F,F
F, V,F

1 Resposta

  • Juhbs



    Acho que é VFF, alguém mais concorda? Estou em dúvida!!

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